What?! Another Office Fit Out Project?

CCWS office design company in London

Wow, I’m not sure what’s happening, but we’re winning new office fit out projects in London left, right and centre at the moment – maybe because we’re the best office design company in London (that’s what our clients tell us anyway). This one is extra special because…

How Much Will An Office Refurbishment Cost?

Commercial reception area interior design by CCWS London

“How much will this cost?” is probably the most common question we’re asked, right below, “you can really get all this for our budget? Even the ball pit?” Call us modest (most don’t), but we reckon we’re pretty good at nailing office interiors in London within a fixed…

Health and Safety in Office Design and Build

CCWS London are office refurbishment experts

Uh oh, it’s time for your friendly office design company to give the talk about health and safety. You know ‘elf and safety, right? It’s when a pen-pushing bureaucrat puts a kibosh on tequila Fridays, especially when they coincide with steak and chainsaw night….